martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Sustainable Tourism

Today I am going to talk about Sustainable tourism and Iberia Company. I will be developing 3 main Points.

The main points I will be talking about  are: First what is Sustainable tourism, Secondly 10 recommendations to have a good trip with sustainable tourism from Iberia Company and what is Iberia’s plan to achieve sustainable tourism in their company.

1 ) Let’s start with Sustainable tourism definition.

Tourism is one of the role models in the fight for the protection on the enviroment.
Sustainable tourism makes as low impact on the environment and local culture as possible. Is one of the examples to follow, for the care of the environment, showing clean solutions.

The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure development a positive experience for local people, tourism companies and the tourists themselves.  

 World Tourism Organization definition:  sustainable Tourism takes full account of the impact current and future economic, social and environmental policies to meet the needs of visitors, industry, the environment and host communities.

The World Tourism day was  celebrate last 27th September and the theme this year was “ TOURISM AND ENERGY  SUSTAINABILITY”

2) Now let’s move on to the next point.
Iberia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity Foundation, has launched the campaign "Ten recommendations for sustainable tourism"  in 2006, that is intended to inform clients about good environmental practices that should be done during the summer holidays.
I will highlight the most important points:
When planning a trip, the airline recommends choosing suppliers able to provide quality assurance and respect for human rights and the environment. Also emphasizes the need to use natural resources with moderation.

The campaign also highlights the need to clean residues
Respect sensitive ecosystems such as coral reefs or forests, and buy presents that represent the local culture and to promote the economy of the local people.

Finally, Iberia should enjoy the culture, customs, gastronomy and traditions with respect and trying to contribute to the development of sustainable and responsible tourism.
The last point is Ibera with the environment

3) What does Ibera do for the environment?
The measures adopted by Iberia to reduce these emissions are focused, as in the CO2, in the renewal of the fleet, which includes cleaner engines, and the development of operational measures (taxiing, approach, takeoff and landing).

Iberia is starting to use electric vehicles to serve the aircraft on track, in order to contribute to improve local air quality.
Consumption of energy, water and paper, is constantly monitored for the purpose of reducing them through the incorporation of best practices as well as through training and environmental awareness to all employees.
The waste treatment is optimized constantly, trying to recycle  and reuse as much as possible.
Iberia is also using eco-friendly materials inside the aircraft, increasingly lighter, and less polluting.

In conclusion, Iberia is the best option if you want to travel in terms of sustainable tourism. Enjoy the experience caring environment.